Shipping Policy

Estimated Delivery Time
Orders are typically delivered within 3-9 working days (approx.)

Delivery Charges
* Prepaid orders: Free shipping.
* Cash on Delivery (COD) orders: ₹60 COD fee applies.

Order Tracking
Once your order is ready to ship (within 1-2 days), you will receive a tracking ID via email, SMS, or WhatsApp to track your package.

Delivery Areas
We deliver PAN India 🇮🇳.
For international orders or inquiries, please contact us at +91 9811316833.

COD Cancellation Policy
* If a COD order is canceled or refused upon delivery, a ₹150 fine will be charged to compensate for shipping and handling costs.
* Customers with repeated COD cancellations may be restricted from placing future COD orders or may face account suspension.

For any shipping-related questions, feel free to reach out to us at